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关于时间英文短句(优秀110条) 关于时间的英文短句


关于时间英文短句 一

1、 On sunny days, the mood is always blooming, and time secretly flows away from the fingers, singing all the way to infect the long river of the years; When you are upset, the dark clouds always linger. Life is like a silent sea. The night eats away the years. After the storm, time will not stop, the years will not disappear, and life will move forward. Happiness, happiness, sadness, sadness, success and failure are all passers——by in a hurry, so don't care, life is your own, and you can live up to your time, time and youth.

2、 Time is the least valuable thing and the most precious thing, because with time, we have everything. ——Raines

3、 世界变化不停,人潮川流不息。我只想每个落日,身边都有你。


5、 Centennial time is like twirling, and life has been rare for 70 years.

6、 I really don't know how many people in the world can succeed in their careers, and they are unknown because they let go of their rare time. ——Mo Bosang

7、 The miser said that money is the lifeblood, while the diligent said that time is life.


9、 Good things always take time, and great things can't be done without much effort and labor. If you want to eat walnuts, you must first bite open the hard shell.

10、 Time has taught me a lot. When dealing with people, you should be cautious. When you are misunderstood, you should be calm and calm. For those who are hypocritical, you can see through it without saying it. For those who are calculating, you can see through it without saying it.




14、 Piecemeal time can really accomplish great things.

15、 Those who have time to increase their spiritual wealth are those who really enjoy comfort.

16、 A new song and a glass of wine, the weather was old last year.

17、 Time is a lovely lover, how much I love you, and every minute is embarrassing; Work, create, don't waste your life. ——Yu Sha


18、 No one does not cherish his life, but few people cherish his time. —— Liang Shiqiu

19、 People who are the least good at using time complain that time is too short. ——Labruyere

20、 accumulate merits over a long period of time. —— Hua Luogeng


22、 Mo Dao Sang Yu is late, and it is still full of clouds. —— Liu Yuxi

23、 Wise men cherish the year, wise men cherish the day and saints cherish the time. ——Wei Yuan

24、 It takes a month for a lazy man to draw a circle.

25、 Time should be allocated precisely so that every year, every month, every day and every hour has its special tasks. ——Comenius

26、 If you don't have the courage to stay away from the coastline and drift lonely at sea for a long time, then you can never discover the New World.

27、 As long as you follow the pace of time closely, the lucky god will always follow you.


29、 我不相信永远的爱,因为我只会一天比一天更爱你。

30、 Time has three steps: the future comes late, the present flies like an arrow, and the past is always stationary. ——Schiller


1、 Time is a great writer, and it will give everyone a perfect ending. ——Chaplin

2、 Time is the most valuable thing that people can consume. —— Diofrasta

3、 It's hard to wake up in the morning, and time waits for no one.

4、 Time is my property and my field is time. ——Goethe

5、 As long as we can make good use of our time, we will never worry about the shortage of time. ——Goethe


6、 Another day, I don't know which day.

7、 Time goes by, sometimes it feels long and difficult, but sometimes it feels so short; Sometimes happy, sometimes sad and melancholy. Day by day is different, and day by day is different, as if there are spring, summer, autumn and winter between day and night. ——A Babayeva

8、 Youth is a beautiful and hard——to——get period, and it is the beginning of all light and happiness in the future. ——Gary ning

9、 If the heart is young, then the years are not old. No matter how time passes, keep the spring bloom in your heart!

10、 你没挽留,我没回头,如此余生各自安好,也没有谁不好,真的只是时间不凑巧。

11、 Time is like a spring, which can be shortened or lengthened. ——Cambodian proverb




15、 If the life span of a person is calculated at the age of eighty——five, compared with the universe, it is of course very short, but if it is calculated by time and day, it is not short, it is quite long. As long as you don't waste and use your time reasonably, you can certainly learn a lot.

16、 Time is like a pig knife, blackening fungus, ripening grapes and softening bananas.


18、 When you are alive, don't waste time sighing. Life is not as long as you think. No matter how sad, angry and troubled, we must move forward step by step. Those who stand in place and look back will never be happy.


20、 Time goes by, sometimes it feels long and difficult, sometimes it feels so short; Sometimes happy, sometimes sad and melancholy. Day by day is different, and day by day is different, as if there are spring, summer, autumn and winter between day and night. ——A Babayeva

21、 The more a person knows the value of time, the more he feels the pain of losing time! ——Dante

22、 Every inch will be contested.

23、 Taking the road of "waiting for a while", you can only walk into the room of "never". ——Cervantes


24、 Time is life, time is speed and time is strength.

25、 Young people should work hard in time, but the boss is abominable. —— Ouyang Xiu

26、 Time is not terrible. What is terrible is not knowing when it will end.

27、 我不是碰不到更好的人,而是因为已经有了你,我不想再碰到更好的。

28、 Time is just like a snobbish master. For an impending guest, just shake hands with him slightly. For a new guest, he stretches out his arms and flies like a past hug; Welcome is always smiling, farewell is always with a sigh. ——Shakespeare

29、 Young people should work hard in time, but the boss is abominable.


31、 Use your time properly! What do you want to understand, don't give up the near future. ——Goethe

32、 因为喜欢你,借着你的光,瞧见了从未预见的世界。

33、 There are sixty minutes in an hour, and more than one thousand minutes in a day. After understanding this truth, we will know how much contribution people can make. ——Goethe

34、 你说我是你患得患失的梦,可如今我是你可有可无的人。毕竟这穿越山河的箭,刺的都是用情至极的人。

35、 Time is the most experienced judge who examines all criminals. ——Shakespeare

36、 我懂覆水难收,就像你说分手一样没有挽回的余地。

37、 Time is rare and volatile. —— Jia Yi

38、 Time has come. At all times, the world's most evil Jewish enemies should stop their roles for at least 1000 years. ——Hitler


40、 However, if the vegetation is scattered, the beauty will be dying.



2、 Time is a great writer. She can write the future ending. ——Chaplin

3、 Time is the standard to measure your career. ——bacon

4、 The most precious wealth is time, and the greatest waste is wasting time.

5、 As long as we can make good use of time, we will never worry about running out of time. ——Goethe, German poet

6、 The cost of caring for a person is too high, so it is necessary to show enthusiasm, bear disappointment, and waste time and spirit.

7、 The most promising winners are not those with outstanding talents but those who make the best use of every opportunity to explore and develop. ——Socrates

8、 People who regard "time" as more important than "life" will never be poor.

9、 Waste of time is the most extravagant and expensive of all expenditures. ——Franklin

10、 Time is common sense, time is strength, and time is life. ——Proverbs

11、 Time is like a rushing rush, it is gone and never returned. ——Cervantes



13、 According to my observation, most people emerge in the wasted time of others.


15、 It's sad if you waste your age. Because your youth can only last a little time——a short time. ——Oscar Wilde


16、 Spending money is corrupt, while wasting time is corrupt.

17、 Time has three steps: the future comes late, the present flies like an arrow, and the past never stands still. ——Schiller


19、 When I am alive, I want to be the master of life, not its slave. ——Whitman

20、 Time is money.

21、 sporadic time, if can be used quickly, can become a complete time. The so——called "accumulated soil becomes a mountain" is true. It is easy to lose a day, and there is no way to get it back. ——Carnegie

22、 Time is the most precious of all wealth. —— De Ofrasto


24、 Life is too short and there are too many things to do. I want to race against time. ——Edison


26、 Nails are hammered in and time is squeezed out. ——Anonymous

27、 One today is better than two tomorrows.

28、 People who never waste time have no time to complain about lack of time. ——Jefferson


30、 Using time is an extremely advanced law. ——Engels


32、 All savings come down to time savings. ——Marx

33、 Time is the least biased, giving anyone 24 hours, and time is the most biased, giving anyone not 24 hours. ——Huxley

34、 Time is selfless and history is ruthless.


36、 Time is something that human beings must cherish. —— Yuan Tao

37、 One minute is as expensive as a thousand dollars.

38、 If there is a gap between heaven and earth in life, it will only happen suddenly.

39、 Teenagers work hard all their lives. Don't be lazy with time. ——Du Xunhe

40、 Time is capricious and flies with wings. ——Horace